Sunday, January 9, 2011

That's a Wrap 2010

Hey Everyone!
    It's an old but true saying, hope springs eternal, at least for me it does.  Which can keep me on a crazy rollercoaster at times, but as Bjork once said, you can't say no to hope, can't say no to happiness.  I've got some exciting job prospects on the horizon, and of course this is always the time of year when I'm hunkered down in the studio, tinkering away at the spring mix.  I've also been having a creative surge lately, so I hope you don't mind more goodies coming your way--this spring is gonna be jam-packed with 'em!  For now, enjoy this little video postcard.  Happy New Year!

P.S. If you haven't already, gone and git dat golden nugret already!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

White Wolf

Happy New Year!  As I'm sure you know, I've survived my first blizzard and am sloshing along with the rest of the locals (and tourists).  The weather up here (and dealing with it) is different than anything I've ever experienced, but I'm learning quickly.  Although the Solstice may have passed and the days are slowly growing longer, there is still a long, cold haul ahead.  I'm discovering that winter can be a visceral, brutal beast of an experience, but a delicate, hypnotic creature as well.  It is with this in mind that I made White Wolf. 

*New Year's Day warning: White Wolf is not suited for hangovers.  Best enjoyed on a pensive snowy stroll or whilst stalking barefoot through a moonlit enchanted forest.

*A note for iPod/iPhone users:  once downloaded, be sure to put this mix into a playlist before syncing.  Otherwise the files tend to get separated...


P.S. The holidays are over, it's a new year, and we all need a little ray of sunshine to look forward to.  It gives me great pleasure to bring you the first Golden Nugret of 2011.  For those in the know, this needs no explanation.  For everyone else, stay tuned and it will all become crystal clear...

*If you have trouble with downloading or Quicktime, you can get it at: