Thursday, April 28, 2011

Let's Play a LoveGAME

Hello, lovers.  By now spring has finally arrived in the Big Apple, and everyone's got the fever.  Whether you're sweating in the gym, bedroom or dancefloor, LoveGAME is here to cool you off.  I didn't get to make a Valentine's Day mix this year, but this somehow feels more appropriate.  Its dance pop sensibility isn't for everyone, so just take this heart-shaped lollipop...and suck it. <3

xxxo petropolis

Friday, April 8, 2011

SprinquiNEXT: The Return to Life

First, there was Enter the Sprinquinox.  No one can be told what the Sprinquinox is...

Then came Bubble Pop Electric Youth, a pink and poppin' blowout from Uptown Doodie Brown.

Last year was Spectacular Springtacular (in the words of the vernacular), presented online in all its glory.

NOW, prepare yourself to get seriously happy. This is SprinquiNEXT...The Return to Life!

Special thanks for the dazzling vocal stylings of Miss Whitney Campbell
and to the City of New York for being ambient gold.

*Note for iPod/iPhone users: be sure to put the download into a playlist,
otherwise iTunes likes to do it's own thang :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Get Ready

Tomorrow, April 8th, 2011, Earth.

The Return to Life

Can you feel me in stereo?