Something a little different from Petropolis...
Love is all you need. And I needed a lot of it to bring this mix to completion! I set out to create a supreme expression of my vision of love, in all its forms, to reflect the astounding openness and gratitude I have been experiencing this year. How the hell do you do that in a spring mix? As I discovered to be most true this time around, "a painting is never finished. It simply stops in interesting places." This mix has gone through more incarnations than I can count, but I finally found the right balance to make my heart smile and convey the utmost glory of Spring. The trick is, as I am learning in life, to continually BREATHE, to take a pause, and return to my center and operate from a place of love, not fear. That's when things simply fall into place. So open your heart, and I hope you enjoy my silly, giddy, exuberant, triumphant and very personal love parade.
This work is dedicated to my Master Teachers, known and unknown.
And to Charlotte Rose Coyle, my wee angel.
Without further ado, let the games begin!
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Henceforth and heretofore, on this day of Beautimus Maximus
His most high Lordship and Ladyship do declare
these Songs of Exaltation
as their gift, bestown unto you.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my great honor
to present to you
Glorificus Springdificus!