Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dust + Bone

The first fall mix in 5 years makes its fiery return for this full moon in Aries. The creative spark has been reignited, and this offering poured out over a long night of red wine, mugwort, moonlight and furious dancing.

A visceral, ecstatic catharsis that plunges the dark waters before burning the whole thing to the ground, leaving nothing but dust and bone.

Tonight we raise the dead. Tonight we bury this in fire.


Sunday, January 13, 2019

Blue Note

This winter's mix came from finding practices to move through life's hardships. Time spent looking out over the water, and my first 5Rhythms class, gave me an anchor point in my body while the emotional storms raged on. Although this can be enjoyed sitting still, it is designed as a dance/movement journey. Stretch it out and shake it off. The only way out is through!

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