Monday, August 1, 2011

Reborn This Way

This is at once a mix posting and a confessional, so bear with me.  I've been kinda quiet on the blog the past couple of months, but inside my head has been a cacophony of thoughts, ideas and emotions.  After a sense of accomplisment from reaching the year mark in NYC, a silent question hung over me.  Now what?  I thought I knew the direction I was headed, but then the bottom dropped out of some big plans, and I found myself back at square one, feeling more lost than ever.  Now I see several forks in the road, several possible paths, several decisions to make.  It took a minute, but I've now embraced the change, calling on my learned skills of adaptability and seeing where certain paths lead.  Traveling down my own road, watching the signs as I go.

While my mixes are really fun to make, they're also time capsules of where I'm at, mentally and emotionally, at this point in my life.  I think that's why it took so long to get this mix out this summer, because I didn't know what I was feeling.  Everything I tried to put together felt forced, until I retreated to Pennsylvania and had an amazing weekend with an old friend.  Good advice, strange dreams, and the untimely death of an amazing talent oddly came together to crystallize everything for me, to let me know's ok.

So take a swim in the cool waters and brilliant sunshine of Reborn This Way.  It's my own version of a soul-cleansing spiritual baptism.  Even if it only makes sense to me, it'll still make you smile and maybe move your feet.  Enjoy!

This mix is dedicated to Kendall, a true soul mate.  And to Amy, who will be dearly missed.


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