Instead of resolutions, every year I pick a theme word that sums up my intentions and focus for the new year. 2013 was ACTIVATE, because I wanted to get a lot of new things and energy going. I had no idea just how appropriate that word would be.
I think it's typical of human behavior to strive, achieve, then strive for more without taking in the gravity of and gratitude for our achievements. I get frustrated with areas of my life where change is slow and stubborn. So the coming new year is a perfect opportunity to reflect on the previous one and be grateful for what came before.
In 2013, I started an intense period of self discovery and development, with the help of many books, friends, and new mentors/teachers. I started a pet sitting side gig. I started working for a mind body fitness studio and discovered a way to exercise the feeds my spirit, along with a supportive a like-minded community.
I moved into my own apartment in NYC! I still give thanks every time I walk through that door. I began an herbal medicine apprenticeship with a teacher who has changed my worldview. I overcame a back injury that led to my daily meditation, stretching and quiet morning practice. I discovered Budokon yoga, a moving meditation that is deeply healing and strengthening.
i finally joined a hiking group and began more outdoor adventures. I became more involved with the NYC pagan scene and made some lifelong friendships. I deepened many existing relationships, especially the one with myself. I have found so much self-love that I never knew how to access before. I started to learn how to truly respect and care for myself, so that I can show up with compassion and be of service to others. Though it hasn't been easy, I feel more comfortable and in tune with myself than ever before. The only way any of this happened was by creating the space in my life for new things and ideas, and allowing them time to grow.
I'm still searching and striving. There's a lot of work ahead in 2014, but I now realize I've laid a solid foundation to see it through. Today I am filled with so much hope and joy and love for the world, and I hope to inspire that same sense of reverence and elation wherever the road leads next.
Happy New Year!
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